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Now offering Unlawful Detainer & Landlord Tenant Mediation Learn more

Affordable Mediation and Other Alternative Dispute Resolution Services.

Bringing affordable and quality access to justice for all of California.


MCLA Provides Affordable, High-Quality Mediation Services with Expert Mediators

The Mediation Center of Los Angeles (MCLA) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization committed to educating the public about the benefits of mediation. Our primary charitable goal is to build community through mediation and peacebuilding. MCLA’s educational programs focus on helping communities learn how to resolve disputes in a peaceful manner. Our work enhances understanding among diverse groups to manage problems and work toward lasting solutions.

​ We also work to increase access to justice by offering professional, experienced mediators to help individuals, businesses, and organizations in the greater Los Angeles area by resolving legal disputes before trial. This also reduces the burden on the courts and taxpayers having to spend time and money in court proceedings.

MCLA programs represent different multicultural, ethnic, religious, genders, generations, economic groups, and lifestyles. 

Services We Offer

At MCLA we offer two essential affordable yet exceptional services to address key community needs: The Vendor Resource Program and the Unlawful detainer – better Landlord Tenant disputes.These programs are designed to deliver effective, accessible, and affordable solutions, ensuring that our community receives the assistance needed to solve their disputes fairly and quickly.  MCLA may offer additional services, including but not limited to, arbitration, pre-litigation cases, trust and probate, cases outside of Los Angeles County, and more.  If you have a case that does not fit one of our two programs, please email us at

Vendor Resource Program

This program is designated for those who have a case in the Los Angeles County Superior Court through the LASC Vendor Resource Program.

Unlawful Detainer – Landlord/Tenant Disputes

This program is designed to quickly resolve disputes between landlord and tenants, collect unpaid rents, and settle related disputes.

How It Works

Submit Your Case
Choose The Program That Is Right For You
​Pay Your Administrative Fee of $150 When You Submit Your Case. Each Additional Party Is Required To Pay $150 As Well.
Pay Your Reduced Fee To Your Assigned Mediator

Submit Case

Why Choose MCLA and Mediation?

MCLA Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Services are a low-cost and affordable alternative to going to trial. Mediation allows you to save money on court and attorney fees while also allowing you to settle much faster than going through the court, which is currently backlogged.  You do not need to hire an attorney or be represented to go through mediation. Mediation can occur before filing a lawsuit or afterwards.
Mediations are preformed remotely by our Zoom certified mediators. Remote mediations are cost-saving, convenient and expeditious are are now the preferred method to hold mediations.
​MCLA has been selected by the Los Angeles Superior court as a Resource Vendor for Civil Mediations since 2018 to provide reduced-cost  with qualified and experienced attorney mediators.​
All panel mediators are independent lawyer mediators who have been carefully selected and meet or exceed the highest standards for mediating civil cases. They have at least 10 years of good standing with the State Bar of California and have practiced various specialized areas of law over long careers.


Jim Cameron

Jim Cameron


What inspired you to become a mediator?

I was growing tired of the constant fighting that I had to cope with as a full-time litigator. So I began to realize that my better strengths were as a problem solver than as a gladiator. What sealed the deal for me? Taking Ken Cloke’s three-day introductory course. Tremendously inspiring. It showed me that my natural skill set was much better suited to mediation than to litigation. And so the journey began, some 12 years ago this month.

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News & Articles


MCLA offers access to qualified mediators who have generously offered to provide low-cost mediation and ADR services for most civil litigation cases including (but not limited to) the following types of cases: Real Estate, Unlawful Detainer, Construction Defect, Personal Injury, Insurance, Employment/Workplace Disputes, Trust/Estates/Probate,  Business and Consumer Disputes, and Landlord/Tenant Disputes.


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“Wendy Fassberg had an excellent mediation Style. Direct and to the point. Not wasted time. Friendly, professional, and knowledgeable”

Attorney William Beverly, Law Offices of William J. Beverly

“Jeff Bases was a very quick study and knowledgeable about the law. He did an excellent job in a very limited amount of time”

Attorney Edwin Barnum, Law office of Pathak & Barnum, APLC

“Mr. Jeffrey Bases is excellent. He knows his stuff and he is able to make suggestions to facilitate agreement. He listens and summarizes the facts very well. More importantly he makes the parties comfortable and trust his input and reinforces the parties position without antagonizing them. He also respects the attorneys idiosyncrasies and reinforces the attorneys authority to their clients. HE IS BETTER THAN THE BEST!”

Attorney Gregory Connell

“Barry Appell was great to work with. He understood the issues quickly and worked hard for both parties.”

Are You Ready to Settle Your Case Fast and Affordably?


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